He could time it to happen during the national anthem or the inaugural address or hail to the chief or the swearing in.
And instead of that rabbit, it could be a certain red piece of head gear to plunk on his head. Or a certain blue flag to wave gently. Or both. Or all three, with the rabbit as a “welcome to the office” gift to Mr. Biden — a nice way to wish living good luck, quadrupled. 😯 🙄
That makes staying away look like a plus.
I just thought some perspective might help. 😀
Seriously, though, I urge God’s people to pray for President Trump, Vice President Pence, President-in-Waiting Biden, and VP-in-Waiting Harris. They’ve all got a lot of people mad at them. It’s very dangerous out there. And treachery abounds. These are extremely perilous times and we Christians are here for such times as these.
I remind us all that God Almighty is sovereign and fully in control. His purposes are being accomplished and He will not be thwarted. Trust in Him — He’s got green pastures for His sheep.