Disrespecting Police Offers and Speaking Evil Against Them Is Not Resurrection Power

Neither is it faithful to the word and ministry of reconciliation

This pastor’s approach is so sad to me:

I do not know how the officers comported themselves. Nor do I know on whose authority they were there. Nevertheless, I believe Pastor Artur Pawlowski was in the wrong for treating them that way.

His tone and words and spirit did not come across to me as conveying Christ’s redemption. His message to them is not the message of the cross or of the empty tomb or of Christ. I believe Mr. Pawlowski has brought shame on Christ’s name. I think he needs to repent and apologize.

Glory to pass over a transgression (Proverbs 19:11)

“But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you” (Matthew 5:44).

Perhaps one or more of the officers themselves are Christian. But any of them which aren’t — well, I can’t see the pastor’s message as giving them a hunger for God.

Perhaps this video is a poor, inaccurate representation of what the pastor truly did and said. So maybe my perspective is off base. But as it is, this video is damning. And not of the officers, in my view.

May God bring good things from this, even so.

And may I do better at remembering these things in my own speech and demeanor, especially when my “rights” are being violated.

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Above all, love God!