Covid-19, the Governor, the Church, and Me

Have I changed my stand by now?

For several weeks I’ve been wanting to update you on where I stand regarding governor mandates that affect church services in this Covid-19 era.

Before I tell you, though, I want you to know that early on (say mid-Spring 2020) I suspected the pandemic was being used for political advantage as well as for experimental authoritarian measures. Then I came to be suspicious of the “timeliness” of the foreign connections of the virus. And I was sure some of the governmental measures being taken were not at all on solid Constitutional grounds. Call me a conspiracy kook if you want, but I am persuaded of such things by now.

Even so — and here is the update in a nut’s shell, folks — I have not changed my mind about “Is It Time for Christians to Defy the Governor Regarding Public Worship?” (which I published on June 17, 2020).

I no longer recall when I last attended a church service. Close to a year, I suppose. 😥 Consistency in this whole thing has been nigh impossible, it seems.

As you might imagine, I have received input from others about the stance I have taken or the above piece I wrote. However, it has not been as much as you might imagine. Here are four of those comments, each received by email from four different people I have known personally for years — two of them from my church:

  • “You may be one of the few that’s doing it totally right.” (I do not believe I’m doing it totally right, but I am one of only four doing it this particular way.)
  • “I do not understand why you feel so tender toward what Kate says, while you are passing over what the Word indicates to us.”
  • “You are more concerned about obeying man rather than God. You are legally doing what man and Satan want.”
  • “Wow, I’m very impressed. What a well thought out and very Biblical response. Your church is fortunate to have you as a member.”
Stand fast in the Lord (Philippians 4:1)
Stand fast in the Lord (Philippians 4:1)

I have made it clear to a few folks that even as I try to honor God and my conscience, I do not impose my conscience on others, not even those in my own household. That is the perspective I try to maintain even though I cannot understand how they can come to the conclusions they do. 🙂

Now it looks like our state will finally become a “free state” again by the end of this month. So far, I have survived intact with my conscience not too tattered. Sure, it has been difficult during this long haul. Sure, it has felt lonely. Sure, I have been concerned that I not be stubborn even as I imagine myself to be steadfast. God knows my heart. I rest in that.

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Above all, love God!