A Virtual Face-to-Face With Lisa Miller

An anonymous lady reports on her video chat with Lisa

March 17, 2021

I had the wonderful privilege today of a video visit with my friend and sister in Christ, Lisa. After some research last week, I learned that because of COVID, they are not allowing in person visits, BUT I could schedule a video visit of 25 minutes.

It was a joy to talk to Lisa; she was cheery and it was so good to hear her little laugh through our conversation. She even laughed as she told me they shackled her feet for the video call and told her not to go anywhere. We had a lovely (short!) time talking, though my computer’s sound went out numerous times during the conversation during which she couldn’t hear me. “Oh no!” she would say, “I can’t hear you again.” So I would make signs and tell her “you talk” or she would try lip reading, or I wrote a few things and held them up to the screen.

Yes, she really did lose all those unsent letters she had written and ready to mail as well as all her addresses, phone numbers and the letters and pictures she had received. She did receive the books I ordered for her from CLP and ABE books.

She does have a Gideon Bible, but would be glad for a study Bible. I have one on the way to her. She asked me to pray, as they have a Bible study tonight at 6 and she’s so excited.

She really would like to wear a veil, and asked me for ideas of how to attach a head covering without any clips or pins. She has been in communication with the jail chaplain, so hopefully with permission we will be able to get some kind of veil or scarf in to her. If nothing else, a Muslim hijab scarf would cover as well! Seems like for religious reasons, the system is willing to be flexible on that.

Being out of quarantine now, she has access to the outside for a period of time each day, but right now it’s cold in Buffalo and they’re expecting snow!

Continue to pray,
A sister in the Lord

Source: PY

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