Three Days and No More

Resurrection morning at the tomb -- experiences at the tomb of Jesus.

Mary Magdalene at the tomb of Jesus

Disconnected excerpts from a John 20:1-18 story I wove about Resurrection morning.

  • The Jewish religious leaders remembered something Jesus’ own disciples had already forgotten…
  • Sometime after sunset Saturday night, another great earthquake shook the area…
  • Those who saw Jesus die as well as those who heard of His death knew where He belonged.
  • As soon as she got close enough to see through the gray of dawn’s early light, she peered more intently in startled astonishment.
  • The incredulous men listened as the exhausted, perhaps hysterical woman poured out her report.
  • It looked as though Jesus’ body were still there, except for that disconcerting gap between the body wrappings and the head wrapping!
  • And put yourself in John’s shoes — how would you go about telling Jesus’ mother that you believed He was alive again!
  • The conversation and its matter-of-factness seem to indicate that Mary didn’t recognize these folks as angels.
  • Though she saw Him and scrutinized Him carefully, He just was not anybody she recognized.
  • Imagine the Lord’s compassion for Mary as He listened to her sobbed reply.
  • Or she could have stiffened in shock, and then turned back slowly, recognition surging through her incredulity…
  • So instead of trying to figure out what the Lord meant, notice instead the clear clue to the nature Jesus’ resurrected body.
  • Such a beautiful name for the disciples, even though they had denied and abandoned Him!

This post’s title is the tentative title of a lesson I wrote for a high school study of the Gospel of John — awaiting reviewing, editing, and publication. I don’t know if I’m allowed to post all the lesson, so I guess these excerpts will have to do. 🙂

But no matter…

The Lord is risen indeed!

More reading about the Resurrection:

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