I Am Now Done With Covid-19

Coronavirus and the virus of fear right inside us

I am now done with Covid-19.
The news and the models are not what they seem,
The frenzy, the hype, the expert decree,
Do not synchronize with re-a-li-ty!

The sky is not falling, no war-planes above,
The children are wond’ring why all the hubbub,
This thing has a name – and it’s not a virus,
It is called fear – and it’s right inside us!

How shall we deal with this state of affairs,
No church, no school, just stay in your chairs,
Is there something else that can be done?
Is there anything, anything under the sun?

The answer to life – its issues and cares,
Is way beyond me, my spouse and my heirs,
We add and subtract – come up with a plan,
A storm comes along – it flattens like sand.

My Father in heaven has told this to me,
“Trust Me with your life impli-cit-ly”.
God, I am yours in fat times or lean,
I am now done with Covid-19.

–Steven Headings (early April 2020)

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Above all, love God!