Greetings from Coronavirus a la Oregon

Woodburn ranks #2 for covid-19 infection rate in Oregon.

We, being freshly reminted Woodburners of a sound mind, hail you from almost-coronvirus-central here in Oregon.

“Almost” only because Gervais just south of us ranks as #1 for covid-19 infections in Oregon. We have to settle for #2. It’s OK. We can deal with not being top dog.

Oregon coronavirus by zip code: Woodburn #2

I look at this map and think, “Keep Oregon green!” White or gray would be better, of course, but then I might be accused of xenophobia or elderphobia. Can’t have that, no we can’t. I suppose, though, that uttering that old state slogan, while sounding all nice and environmentally friendly, could be construed as anti-immigrant. And considering the predominant ethnicity in this part of the world…

I guess our almost-epicentral status guarantees we’ll be under restrictions longer than most other places in Oregon. Weep not for us. (But thanks anyway.)

Oh, and would-be tourists and travelers? Stay away. Just mail us your checks. Thanks.

(Source: OregonLive)

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