Elections and the Elect: The Darkness Deepens But Light Shines On

Be faithful, even if you are fearful. Don't be blind to danger, neither stop looking to Jesus.

This post is not what I envisioned it becoming.

Instead it is mostly unarranged thoughts typed in a mostly “stream of consciousness” fit or two, originally intended for a couple of weeks as threads to be woven with a bunch of others into something to post at Anabaptists. I just don’t have the time. And, frankly, have lost the “zeal” and drive for it as well.

But I put them here and fling them out there because I am deeply, deeply concerned about the state of God’s people in the times we find ourselves.

Some of these things I know to be factual. Others I acknowledge as possibly not rising to more than being mere feelings.

  • More than ever before, we know what they want us to know.
  • Much is not as it appears.
  • After decades of “There are no absolutes” and “Truth is subjective,” the consequences sweep America like a relentless, unceasing, all-engulfing tsunami.
  • The time has come for the United States to reap a whirlwind.
  • A Biden Presidency would last less than a year.
  • President Trump could finally show his true colors in a second term.
  • Regardless of its outcome, the election is likely to change little for the better related to the coronavirus pandemic, the anarchy, or the political scene.
  • No matter who wins, we are about to step over the threshold into the most unstable, dangerous time in American history.
  • The true citizen of the kingdom of heaven lives as a heavenly ambassador.
  • The true Christian brings a message of reconciliation to individual hearts.
  • The true disciple of Jesus has spiritual solutions, not political ones.
  • America is long past a political, judicial, or Constitutional solution.
  • God rules in the affairs of men, elevating or casting down whom He will.
  • No matter who holds what office anywhere, things are more likely to worsen than to improve.
  • The United States must collapse as a constitutional republic and relinquish what makes it the superpower before a one-world government can become the prophesied reality.
  • The globalist movement in the United States knows no partisan boundaries or limitations.
  • Dark days and perilous times are here…and the American church is mostly unprepared, cold, dead…and satisfied.
  • The spiritual framework to support true revival is very, very weak in America.
  • Deception is rampant…and will get much worse before reaching its apex.
  • When judgment falls on nations, the righteous suffer alongside the unrighteous.
  • God reigns supreme, no matter who pushes and pulls the levers of earthly power.
  • God’s plan will not be thwarted.
  • All human authority flows from God and is established by Him.
  • No matter what happens, it will all help contribute to the good of those who love God and are His called for His purposes.
  • It is beyond our finite human minds to grasp well (much less fully understand) how God weaves a perfect tapestry of His sovereignty and man’s free will.
  • When it appears that God has acted unjustly, it is that both our perception and our understanding of justice are flawed.
  • The righteous do suffer for no apparent reason: ask Job or Joseph or Jesus.
  • The righteous do learn from righteously enduring unjust suffering. Just ask Job or Joseph or Jesus.
  • What God plans to do next in America may require the elevation of the Biden-Harris ticket…or the Trump-Pence ticket…or neither of the above.
  • Electoral fraud and political shenanigans will not cause God to have to throw all His plans out the window. Neither will riots or coups or assassinations. Or a Constitutional crisis.
  • If your hope is in the election of _____, remember that individual is mortal…
  • No matter who wins or otherwise takes power, the seeds of instability are sown and the groundwork for mayhem is in place.
  • I no longer believe things will “normalize” in the United States after the election.
  • The American system of justice has been deeply corrupted and undermined.
  • When one generation proclaims “Never again,” they do not factor in the human capacity to forget, to dismiss, and/or to be deceived.
  • They are messing with our heads.
  • Perhaps the thought of Biden winning (or Trump winning) traumatizes you, even though you follow Jesus — please look back to Jesus, again and again and again…
  • The faithful followers of Jesus can find rest and peace in Him, even in the midst of their own fears and hopelessness.
  • God has not lost control. Furthermore, He has known the end from the beginning. He is never unprepared. He is never at a loss. He is never not Sovereign. He is always able.
  • The political victory of those we might not prefer poses no problem at all to God.
  • Being faithful may require death — so let us be faithful, even unto death.
  • And while we are alive, let us live to the praise of His glory and the illumination of the darkness around us.
  • “Be of good cheer…”

For what should we pray?

In praying for ourselves as disciples of Jesus, we could start with this short, heavy list:

  • faithfulness, relevance, refining, revival
  • a witness of light — truth, right, hope, Jesus
  • a witness of salt — godliness, righteousness, holiness, purity, love, grace, compassion

We could also pray for…

  • confusion of evil, thwarting of evil, overcoming of evil
  • more time for more grace for more redemption

Be faithful, even if you are fearful. Don’t be blind to danger, but don’t stop looking to Jesus. God is on the throne and never will not be.

“Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death…”

Related things I wrote longer ago:

Why are you so fearful?

I welcome your perspectives and additional prayer suggestions in the comments below.

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Above all, love God!