Did Rush Concede the Election to Biden?

I wondered if he had slipped up in expression, or if he actually meant to say it that way.

I was truly astonished to hear Rush Limbaugh say it twice two different ways during his first segment this morning.

Alas, I don’t remember his phrasing (but I concede he didn’t use the word concede). I just know I was very, very surprised the first time. And not long after, he said it again, with different words. But both times the indisputable message was that Joe Biden won.

He said both toward the end of his first ten minutes on air.

I remember thinking, “He just conceded” and “He threw Trump under the bus.”

I was incredulous to hear it from Rush. I wondered if he had slipped up in his way of saying things or if he really meant it. I kept expecting him to correct himself. He didn’t by the first break.

Rush began his second segment by denying he had conceded. He said that he had been speaking in hypotheticals. Or something like that. But he didn’t play back the second five minutes of the show.

I know what I heard.

I also know I don’t always hear correctly.

Whatever the case, Rush was subsequently adamant that Biden did not win. Not in the true, honest, legal, factual sense of the word.

I’m going to be very surprised (I think) if Biden’s apparent election is overturned by relevant courts and/or state legislatures. I question whether there is enough integrity and courage left in the right places to result in the truly, duly elected man being sworn in as US President on January 20.

Nevertheless, I believe the person to be sworn in will be the person so set up by God Almighty. He will not be thwarted. He will accomplish that which He pleases. He rules in the affairs of men. Chicanery, fraud, deception, injustice, and all their ilk will not defeat Him.

Jehovah is sovereign. Alone. He’s got this.

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