Web30: Web Conception Proclamation Day

The earth is not round. Neither was the Web born today. So there.

Today they hail the birth of the Web 30 years ago.

March 12, 1989 — the birthdate of the World Wide Web. You see that proclaimed all over the Internet.

I, thinking, beg to differ. 😯

12 March 1989 doesn’t even rate as Web Conception Day, folks. But if it did, then we would have to agree that life begins at conception, no?

Folks, 03/12/89 is the day Tim Berners-Lee (now Sir) announced the WWW concept. It took a few more months for that baby to be born.

So save the cake and candles. Can the speeches. Today is only Web Conception Proclamation Day.

Web30 -- Web Conception Proclamation Day -- 12 March 1989

PS: This post is today’s hands-on-this-is-how-you-do-it lesson on critical thinking. You’re welcome. Now do us all a favor and help spread a little more accuracy-and-truth on this ubiquitous “thing” known as the Web.

(I dare say you didn’t think to slip in a pro-life, anti-abortion message into Web30. It’s alright; you can admit it.) 😀

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