CAM Rapid Response Teams in Action

Moving in to help folks in southeast Texas

Disaster relief teams of Christian Aid Ministries are in action in Texas in Hurricane Harvey’s aftermath. You can help. Will you?

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“It’s a disaster,” said Chris Troyer, Texas Rapid Response team coordinator. “Lots of wind damage. Roofs that should be tarped. A lot of trees down.” Thousands have lost their homes, businesses, vehicles and belongings in what officials are calling one of the worst flooding disasters in recent U.S. history.


On Saturday “it all broke loose,” said Marcus Miller, Ohio SAR team coordinator. “I think every person I contacted earlier that day decided to call me at once. Each needed our assistance.”


The Rapid Response Loaves & Fishes food kitchen team is on its way to Texas and plans to start serving meals to homeless flood survivors in the town of Victoria.

To read more and send financial assistance: CAM teams rescue stranded people, investigate needs, and set up to feed Hurricane Harvey survivors

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