Why God Stepped Down

A simple overview of the Eternal Spirit's objectives in taking on mortal flesh

The Scriptures say in Matthew 2:23 -- That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophetsHere is my second draft summary of some of God’s purposes in the Incarnation:

  1. Live a sinless life.
  2. Learn obedience through suffering.
  3. Be touched with the feelings of our infirmities.
  4. Give us an example.
  5. Defeat the devil.
  6. Vanquish death.
  7. Bear our sins and make atonement for them.
  8. Become our faithful High Priest.
  9. Rise again for our justification.
  10. Redeem us to God.
  11. Gain our victory over the flesh and sin.
  12. Make effective blood shed in the Old Testament systems of sacrifices.

Please help me refine the list with your comments below.

Why did Jesus come in the flesh?

Why did the Son of God become the Son of Man as well?

What prompted Deity to put on humanity?

Again, please help me with this project by adding your perspective below.

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Above all, love God!