When You Have to Go in a National Park

Be sure to pick a single-occupancy restroom or outhouse.

Secretary of the Interior cheers gender-free bathrooms in national barks

June 27 tweet by Secretary of the Interior

So yesterday (apparently) the President decreed that national parks no longer honor the single-gender bathroom concept. (Gender-specific restrooms — what an antiquated concept in this great society. 😯 )

Apparently whatever the sign may say is no guarantee what you will find inside. So beware of using multiple-capacity restrooms. The spectators therein may be more “sexually varied” than you bargained for.

Visitors to national parks are free to use whichever public restroom they believe matches their gender identity, the Department of Interior says.

“As it relates to recently passed state laws relating to the transgender community, visitors to public lands and water sites are welcome to use restrooms that best align with their gender identity,” an Interior Department spokesperson told The Daily Signal in an email.

But a national policy expert says visitors to national parks should be concerned that others can enter the restroom of their choice regardless of their biological sex.


National Park Service spokesman Jeremy K. Barnum said this is not a new policy.

“People have always been able to choose the public restroom within the national park system that aligns with their gender identity,” Barnum told The Daily Signal in an email. “The National Park Service has never had a rule that determined nor designated what restroom someone should use according to their gender identity.”

Source: Daily Signal: National Parks Allow Restroom Choice by Gender Identity

This is particularly troubling when it comes to women’s restrooms. It seems it will become common for “confused” men to go where no man dared go before.

Amazon: trailer hitch porta potty

If I tow a portapot behind my car and enter a national park, would I be allowed to charge a modest usage fee for those wishing to use a “less inclusive” bathroom? (I have something in mind far more private and secure than what somebody is peddling on Amazon!)

No, I don’t have time for this kind of writing. But this news piece just got me going and I felt the urge to post a PSA for parents and women in particular.

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