Wanted: Young Women Ages 18-26

Conscripts for the US military, that is.

Possible draftees, you know.

The House Armed Services Committee took a big and unexpected step toward making women register for the draft Wednesday night…

photo of American women soldiers

This amendment to the House’s annual defense authorization bill requires 18-to-26-year-old women to register with the Selective Service System.

Relax, though. Only a slim majority of the committee approved the amendment (32-30). The full House likely won’t vote on the bill until mid-May. I doubt this is going into the law books. But, hey, I’ve been wrong before.

But including women in the draft still has a long way to go. It would have to survive a full House vote and then make it through the Senate. It would change a policy that has been in place since 1981, when the Supreme Court ruled that because women could not hold combat jobs, they did not have to register for the draft.

But though the committee voted to change the draft policy for women, their debate Wednesday night revealed that several lawmakers on both sides of the aisle have great reservations about the continued necessity of the draft at all.

Source: Washington Post

Longer ago I wrote An American Second and Lessons in Sacrificial Service for the Fallen.

Ooops. I just remembered I was going to avoid posting anything except stuff that seems important to me. I just don’t have time for blogging. Maybe if you would buy one of these books…

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