“Either the Rapture Comes or Dora Dies!”



Relax. It’s just a game. And after almost three hours, it seems to be entering the final stages (judging by the comment I just heard and used for this post’s title).

Eight Hopewellites playing TIH

In the 1993-1994 school year, my high school Bible class and I had a lot of fun inventing a board game. We called it “Treasures in Heaven.”

I can’t seem to take good photos these days, so the one above will just have to do. I’d be tickled to show you the game board better, but since I still need to secure the copyright for it…

Maybe it’s time to launch a GoFundMe campaign to finish development and production of this game. These young folks have certainly had a rollicking good time playing it this evening. 😀

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Above all, love God!