Google will show you plenty of theories and pointers for writing the perfect Craigslist ad. And Amazon has a few books on the subject as well (for instance, Make Money Posting Ads on Craigslist).
But I’m going to show you a real live unique Craigslist ad-in-the-making. I hope to list it there within 24 hours (just in time to sell the car this weekend, you know).
The rest of this post is The Ad itself. Read it. Study it. Learn from it. And help improve it in the Comments section, please. 🙂
1997 Buick LeSabre Custom — very nice, but rear-ended
- tires have 14-16K miles on them (2 Toyos and 2 Goodyears)
- freshly mechanicked before wreck
- nice sound system
- very comfortable seats
- good glass
- good engine
- new battery on 3-31-12
- new alternator on 3-27-13
- silver-gray*
- regularly serviced
This is a very nice car, but a small SUV made a half-hearted attempted to get in the trunk. It didn’t get very far in, but it did succeed in messing things up in the back and tweaking the rear axle. And it also pushed the car into its nearest neighbor to the front, which naturally produced some negativity on the grill and front bumper.
This car is ideal for someone who falls in at least one of these categories…
- has a similar car that got sideswiped
- needs a replacement engine or transmission or anything else**
- wants to part it out on eBay/Craigslist/Amazon/Etsy/driveway and make a killing
- needs a car for her Don’t Drive Distracted float.
The 161,878 miles on it do not include the last 40+ on the back of a car hauler on 09-14-13.
With kind of odometer use, the steering wheel and arm rests and who-knows-what-else show normal wear and weariness.
In commemoration of Columbus’ grand adventure***, we’d like to get $1492 for this car, but would settle for half that.
In fact, if you’d meet us at the bank with $725 in cash, we’d take it. (And let you have the car with its title free and clear.)
In its present condition, the car shouldn’t be driven on the road. In fact, after sitting for six months, it probably won’t even start. So figure on hauling it or towing it — delivery isn’t included in the price (unless you pay $1492 for it, in which case we’ll gladly deliver it free of charge anywhere within a radius of 200 miles from Hubbard, Oregon — with certain limitations to the west).
Please note that though I am an honest guy and though I tried to describe the condition of the vehicle accurately, you’re still buying this as is.
In closing, a special note to RC, the guy that rearended this poor car: the price to you is $1812, firm. (Yeah, the Americans and the Brits had a kerfuffle back then, but this price doesn’t convey any similar animosity toward you.)
* That’s my version of the color, but I’m told I must be color blind. It’s been called brown, tan, chartreuse, and pewter. I just don’t see it being any of those. You look at the photos and you tell me what color it is!
** Exception: items damaged worse than what you’re wanting to replace, of course.
*** but if you’d rather celebrate Oregon’s admission into the Union, we can work with you on that pricing model.
Click for larger view
After changing chartreuse to champagne (I remembered incorrectly), adding silver gold, and making a few other changes, I published the ad at 12:15 pm Pacific. Bid away, folks!
This morning I discovered the ad ran its course and expired. So I reposted it: