Why Would I Give You My eBook for Free?

Maybe it's a marketing ploy. Maybe I want your reviews. Maybe I actually and truly want to bless you.

Panting | Faith Works 1 | Mark Roth

Here are five good reasons to give it away for free today and tomorrow:

  • to bless you
  • to get your review on Amazon
  • to promote it
  • to encourage you to tell others about it
  • to see how high its ranking will go 😯

You can read excerpts here: Panting.

And here’s the table of contents:

  1. Faith Calls for Perseverance
  2. Faith Is Assurance
  3. Faith Is Endurance
  4. Faith Inspires Gratitude
  5. Faith Requires Mutual Love
  6. Stephen: Spirit-Filled Deacon and Fiery Preacher
  7. Stephen’s Martyrdom
  8. Simon Wants to Buy Power
  9. Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch
  10. Courageous Witness and Radical Gospel
  11. Paul Sails for Rome
  12. Mutual Ministry in Malta
  13. Paul’s Proclamation in Rome
  14. Commission and Ascension of Christ
  15. The Church Is Born
  16. Healing of the Lame Man
  17. Persecution and Holy Boldness
  18. The Community of Believers
  19. The Sin of Ananias and Sapphira
  20. Suffering for Christ’s Sake
  21. Choosing Men to Serve the Church
  22. Philip the Evangelist
  23. Saul—From Persecutor to Preacher
  24. Light for the Gentiles
  25. Revival in the Growing Church
  26. Prayer Brings Deliverance
“As the hart panteth after the water brooks,
so panteth my soul after thee, O God”

(Psalm 42:1).

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1 thought on “Why Would I Give You My eBook for Free?”

  1. I would love to buy a copy of your book but do not have any way to read an ebook, unless I could put it on my desk computer, and read it there, or print pages to take with me when I travel. I would, of course, not sell or give away copied portions. What I would really like is an old fashioned print copy, (or copies to give as gifts) when and if it ever becomes available. I have been inspired by your panting insights over the years, and I appreciate your website.


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Above all, love God!