Love: The Proof Is in the Pudding

That love you profess -- Is it curdled and barf-worthy?

Love, the proof is in the putting

Love puts its object first.

When you tell him, “I love you,” you’re saying you put him first.

When you declare your love for them, you’re committing yourself to keep putting them ahead of yourself.

Love puts aside selfish self-interests and self-centered self-absorption in order to do what is best for another.

Love puts a premium on the good of another…and without complaint or self-pity pays that premium.

Love puts its best into benefiting the other.

Love puts its own life at the service and mercy of the other.

Love puts itself into action before and while and after putting itself into words.

Love puts loving ahead of being loved.

Such love puts value, meaning, and believability into “I love you.”


God’s love put Baby Jesus on planet Earth.

That love you profess — What has it put?

When you look at my putting, whom do you see me loving?

Our professions of love can taste very curdled sometimes. Or to put it another way, “I love you” sometimes can be quite barf-inducing. 🙁

Love’s proof is in the putting.

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Above all, love God!