A Fall Planting for an Every-Season Harvest

Persist in planting for a good long-term harvest!
What they sowed in the Fall,
we still reap through every season.

Generally, by Fall we’re done with gardening here in Oregon’s Willamette Valley. And we certainly don’t plant our vegetables and tomatoes now.

But my boxed quote above isn’t about autumn crops.

Man fell. That likeness to God? Adam and Eve didn’t cherish it and guard it. That freedom to choose? They used it, squandered it, really. That perfection and holiness? They marred it, stomped it, trashed it. That fellowship with God? They walked away from His embrace into the crushing grip of the deceiver. That loyalty to God? They scorned it, exchanging it for slavery to Satan, to sin, and to self. What they sowed in the Fall, we still reap through every season.

That’s my first-draft third paragraph for Lesson 3 of Sunrise Bible 905. (Yes, I’m writing the “meat” of that course for CLE.)

Despite the continuing harvest from Adam’s and Eve’s sins, I encourage you and challenge me to persist in planting for a better harvest!

Wallpaper for Galatians 6:9
Keep planting righteousness, even if you’re tired of it!

I thank God for the sure hope and certain expectation of a better harvest.

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Above all, love God!