15+ Fleeting Fruit Fly Thoughts Revealed

So guard your eyes and your thoughts

Fruit fly on WikiMedia

Early this morning.
I sat there, watching the fruit flies.
All three of them — hovering, flitting.
“What is their field of vision?” I wondered.

Thus the Fruit Fly Thought Cascade began.
With just an innocent look.
Followed by a lingering gaze.
Followed by a single thought.

There’s a lesson there.
(I’ll put it at the end.)
(Is where.)
But about the fruit flies…

What is their depth perception?

How close can they focus? How far?

Are they afraid of me?

How fast do their little wings beat?

Seemed about the size of the star I saw this morning.

They reminded me of dragonflies and hummingbirds.

And of my friends JM and GG at an EP School Board meeting:

“Time flies.
No man can.
Their flight is too erratic.”


How little are they at birth?

Would I be able to focus my Canon PowerShot S3 camera on one?

If I catch one in a jar and release it down at the Pudding River bridge, will it be lost?

How small are their vital organs? their non-vital ones?

What do I look like to them?

Since God falls with a little bird, how about a fruit fly?

Where do they sleep?

How close can I reach my finger to one?

If one fell in my coffee, would I just drink it on down?

Could I find online any photos of a fruit fly in flight?

Is there any fruit they don’t like?

When I post about this, I should link to Wikipedia.

And Amazon (trap | education), for sure.

Why did God make fruit flies?

They are wonderfully made.

So am I.

The cascade of thoughts launched by the fruit flies went on.

And such is the nature of looks and thoughts.

One can lead to another and then the dam might break lose.

So guard your eyes and your thoughts.

“Keep your heart with all diligence,
For out of it spring the issues of life.”

(Proverbs 4:23)

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Above all, love God!