Your Own eBook: How To

An article has relit my flame for doing another ebook!

You could write an ebook and sell it on Amazon.

I don’t know if either of those verbs launches something truthful about you. However, if you think it does, keep on reading for further inspiration and reassurance.

“But I don’t have anything interesting to write about.” And I’m going to be a little in your face here and say, “Yes you do!” There are currently 1.9 million ebooks in the Kindle Store. Here are a few books on Kindle to show you the variety of topics that people are writing about:



Life’s Too Short to Miss the Big Picture for Moms – Parenting humor.

Crafts and DIY:

Stick It! 99 DIY Duct Tape Projects – How to make things out of duct tape.


Health and Nutrition:

Secrets of Juice Fasting – Recipes for fasting and cleanses.

You get the idea. The topic of a Kindle book can be just about anything – fiction, non-fiction, how-to, humor, poetry, etc.

  • Do you know how to make something?
  • Do you have your grandmother’s old family recipes you can compile into a cookbook?
  • Did you have an interesting trip at some point in your life, or a personal journey you can share?
  • Did you or a loved one survive a serious illness and you can share that journey with others?
  • Do you have a unique hobby you can share tips about?
  • Are you good at saving money or living on a shoestring budget?

Go check out the Kindle store and browse the categories. You’ll see the huge variety of subject matter. The best way for someone to learn something new is from a real person, like you, who has really done it. And when people want information, they go to the internet. With a Kindle book, you can be there popping up on Google with the answers all neatly organized in a downloadable Kindle book.

Just in time for igniting my non-existent fireworks for today’s festivities, How to Make Money Writing and Selling Your Own Kindle Book has relit my flame for going through the travails of writing another ebook.

Except I’m thinking I’ll give that one away. 😯

Kinda like a fisherman gives away worms to the fish. 😳

Relax, though. It will be a much more pleasant experience for the fish. And for the fisherman. Why ever would I want to gut and fillet my readers?

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