Windows 8.1 — New Panes or Just Pains?

What do you think of the latest Window into your computer?

If your computer Windows are broken and the shards are giving you lots of pains, Microsoft has just made Windows 8.1 available for download.

And here’s one paragraph from their blog, Blogging Windows:

Start the way you want. The Start screen in Windows 8.1 is more customizable than ever with new tile sizes, new background designs and colors – allowing you to make the Start screen on your device unique and personal to you (you should see some of the color combinations I’ve come up with for my Start screen!). You can also choose how you start your Windows experience – at the Start screen or the desktop. The Start button is back. And there is an improved Apps view that allows you to see all your apps the way you want.

Better yet, you can purchase the updated windows over at Amazon.

If you use Windows 8, please tell us three things you like about it. And one you don’t.

1 thought on “Windows 8.1 — New Panes or Just Pains?”

  1. You asked for three things I like about Win8 and one I don’t — here goes.
    1. I don’t have it.
    2. They just updated it to include a start button among other things.
    3. It can only get better with future updates.
    And now for the thing I don’t like about it:
    It’s on my sister’s computer, and I’m the tech support.

    Hopefully you can detect the proximity of my tongue to my cheek in this post.
    I think the start screen in Win8 has potential, especially for touch devices, but I was dismayed at how much of the classic Windows experience had been done away with. Sounds like this update fixes that. I’ll be putting it on my sister’s computer as soon as possible.

    Thanks for the heads up.


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