When Tolerance Isn’t Enough

And acceptance is merely the least despicable form of that phobia

Tolerant or accepting — which are you when it comes to your fears?

Acceptance or tolerance — to which form of coexistence do you aspire in relating to your phobias and hang-ups?

What if it has to do with those things which you believe to be wrong? (Sinful, you know.)

This is what got me going on that…

“Homophobia” is an interesting term. It is an entire lecture in a word.

I wonder if the Riddle would employ the same litmus test to society’s attitudes about Christians. It would be nice to feel a little support, admiration, appreciation, and nurturance. But failing that, I would settle for some tolerance.

Here, I propose a very simple test to “determine” whether or not you are consistent.

Where do you draw the line?

  • Is homosexuality on your side of that line?
  • Is homosexuality-is-sin on your side of the line?

If your answers to those questions are not the same, are you inconsistent as well as intolerant and unaccepting? Maybe even some sort of phobe?

Well, here you have two more disconnected sentences from the article I’m quoting:

Some of you tolerant readers perhaps think you are not homophobic.

“Acceptance” is merely the least despicable form of homophobia.

I still marvel that my conviction about homosexuality is branded Hate and Phobia and so forth. I guess my conviction about abortion gets the same branding. I must be an abortophobic abortophobe.

That is so intellectually flawed and weak. 🙄

Oh…have you read this book: Is the Bible Intolerant?? If so, I’m interested in reading your review of it. (No, I haven’t read it.)

Well, here you go, directly from Andrée Seu Peterson via World magazine — the source of my pinked quotes above: Test your level of homophobia.

If you go read that, please be sure to come back to read what an abortophobe has to say: Eliminating Fear.

PS: Why would anyone praise and promote and revel in his genuine fears? 😯

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