Tea-Free Trouble-and-Tea

For comic relief, a one-star review on Amazon

Dorcas Smucker’s lastest book is a great read.

Unless you’re wanting to read about tea. Then it’s a troubling read. 😯

image of one-star review on Amazon
A one-star review to be proud of!

I thought you should know. 😆

Like I tried to assure Dorcas…

Oh, and to answer the question about the helpfulness of that review? I found it extremely helpful in the Comic Relief category. 😀

And a PSA to those who haven’t read Tea and Trouble Brewing yet, don’t expect much tea-related stuff. For that, try this: books about tea on Amazon.

Now to wait for the one-star review given because the book isn’t sufficiently about trouble. 😉

For now, I’m off to Amazon to see if I can give that one star-review a five-star rating. :mrgreen:

PS: Be nice to the one-star reviewer. No need to impugn her intelligence or even her motives. (Well, if you are a Christian, anyway.) Just enjoy the hilarity of the comment. 🙂

Above all, love God!