Reuters and Truth

Reuters says much of the federal government is shut down. Right.

I was taking a break from work while I waited for my computer to update and reboot when I saw on Reuters (HT: Google News) that much of the US government is shuttered. 😯

Seriously? I thought it was only 17%. 😳 Reuters? Are Cowan and Reid stretching things?

Or maybe there’s a subliminal message intended:

Non-essential personnel were furloughed.
That’s “much of the U.S. government.”

Maybe that’s the explanation. 🙄 Richard? Tim? Am I on the right track? 😉

Well, here’s my screen capture of the report in question:


And here’s the first paragraph, in print:

President Barack Obama and Republican leaders appeared ready to end a political crisis that has shuttered much of the U.S. government and pushed the country dangerously close to default after meeting at the White House on Thursday.

“It was a very adult conversation.” 😯

“Both sides said they were there in good faith.” 😮 Right.

Read it for yourself: Obama, Republicans aim to end crisis after meeting

I’m getting back to work.

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