Polymorphous Promiscuity Will Prevail

Why should paedophilia be wrong or illegal any more than are promiscuity, divorce, shacking up, and homosexuality?

For quite a while, I’ve had in mind to pose such a question to make this point: I expect paedophilia will be the new gay, though paedophiles will hijack their own mainstream term.

Give it a few years. Not that many. It won’t take that much longer.

Then Andrée and I (and you?) will have another scarlet letter pinned to us: P.


Well, see what you make of this:

“There is little agreement about paedophilia, even among those considered experts on the subject.”

Right off the bat we are introduced to the notion of different opinions, which is Strategy No. 1. The Dark Side…need merely suggest that something evil is really only “controversial.” When the discussion begins at that level, the bad guys have already won ground: Pedophilia is now put forth as a subject on which reasonable people disagree.


Professionals will pretend to argue about Nature versus Nurture for another year or so, as they did in the early days of the gay movement. Then someone will say, “You say potato and I say potahto, let’s call the whole thing off,” and no one will care anymore. Polymorphous promiscuity will prevail. The jig will be up.

Culture creep

Ridiculous? Unthinkable? Paranoid?


Why should paedophilia be wrong or illegal any more than are promiscuity, divorce, shacking up, and homosexuality?

Well, I’ve done it again: Blew a bunch of time here when I have other pressing responsibilities awaiting my attention. 🙁 I should be preparing for a talk at church tonight — “Avoiding Deception from the World” — and figuring out the agenda for next Sunday’s Mission Board meeting. Bye!

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