My Morning Cruise on the Amazon

Deals I saw on Amazon this morning

I launched my cruiser before six this morning by peeking in the Gold Box. The Blue-Ray DVD was nothing I wanted to promote, so I went off to do other stuff while waiting for the new Lightning Deal to arrive in less than 20 minutes.

I forgot to return in a timely fashion! 🙁

I noticed in my email that Fry’s has a couple of interesting sales going, so checked to see how Amazon compared. While I was at it, I compared Amazon with Swanson Vitamins also.

Then I ordered a bottle of Vitamin Code 50 & Wiser Women’s Multivitamin.

I also reviewed listings of Authors I Know. I really need to update it with more titles! 😳 If you’re an author I know and you have a book I need to add, let me know.

Next, this for $89.99 til the sale runs its course (which it already has):

Finally, I got the shipping address for the copy of National Electrical Code 2008 I sold yesterday.

All in all, a good cruise. 🙂

And thanks for reading this riveting travelogue. 🙄

PS: The time stamps on the above tweets are way off. Weird.

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