I’ve listened to some of your informed, eloquent, impassioned monologues defending and promoting the US Constitution. Though I think they are helpfully enlightening, I’m convinced you’re wasting your time.
For your laudable mission to succeed, the Constitution must be carefully observed and honored. And protected, defended, and enforced, for it can do none of those for itself.
Alas, far too many judicial and political leaders entrusted with such a task have been (and are) derelict in that. Furthermore, far too much of the populace just doesn’t care. And both of those numbers are on the rise, not the wane.
The judicial, political, Constitutional war to preserve this republic as founded is lost. Nothing can be done to rescue the United States of America. Nothing. Do the political and cultural math — the numbers just aren’t there.
In the course of more than four decades, this nation has grown comfortable with a gradual hollowing-out of the Constitution. Now, we can hardly say that process is gradual anymore. This brazen corruption of principles and laws has savaged the country in myriad ways political, legal, financial, moral, cultural, and spiritual.
Mr. Levin, the building has shifted on its foundations. Choose any of its original foundations and you will see clearly that the structure no longer sits squarely and safely and enduringly on it. The shift has been of such magnitude that the structure faces imminent, irreversible collapse.
Is America lost? Yes.
No political hope remains. No Constitutional rescue is possible anymore.
The only hope that remains is spiritual in nature. Period.
Unless this country turns to God in genuine, unconditional repentance and surrender, she’s beyond recovery.
But countries don’t turn to God, do they?
People do.
Will they? Will you? Will I?
I have. I do. I will.
Only the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob can save us. (You’re a Jew, Mr. Levin; you know that, right?)
Only His Son can redeem us.
He waits for us.
Hi Mark! Interesting post.
Question for you: Was there ever hope politically, or do you believe that a shift has occurred which now necessitates a spiritual solution?
Thanks for commenting, Byran! I’ve been mulling your question and this evening finally sat myself at the table with paper and pen (literally, mind you) to start composing a reply. This comment is just to acknowledge your comment and to assure you I’m not ignoring your question. (I’m sorry it has taken me this long to do even that!) π³
By way of a sneak preview, my answer is built on a “Yes” answer to the first part of your question. π
Yes, I believe the political entity had hope politically. To put it another way, the earthly kingdom had earthly, human-driven hope for quite a few years. Even devoid of God-ward, God-driven spirituality, the earthly kingdom could continue for a while on its political-Constitutional steam. I would say that “while” has run its course. That steam has cooled into something no longer capable of powering the national locomotive. Politically and Constitutionally, the nation has gone far off the tracks and broken down, too far from earthly rescue crews and repair facilities.
I could infer from the now in the second part of your question that there was a time when a spiritual solution wasn’t necessary. I don’t subscribe to that perspective (nor do I think you do). My point in my post is that I believe time has expired for realistic hope in strictly political-Constitutional solutions.
All along, the only hope for anyone has been spiritual in nature, of course. That necessity, that imperative, continues undiluted and unabated. Until that need is met in Jesus in sufficient numbers of hearts, the country itself is doomed. Recent trends and present trajectories offer little promise of good…
Thanks again for reading my post and posing your question, Byran. It’s been a good exercise for me to wonder and ponder over it.
I wonder why Christians who claim to be of a Good News persuasion find so much comfort being mired in the pessimism of betrayed ideals without much supporting evidence than their own tears falling into the mug of whatever they happen to be drinking. (Most can’t be accused of “crying into their beer! π )
So do I.
Awesome thoughts Mark. Keep up the great work!
Thank you kindly for the encouragement! π