Kennedy Killed; Where I Was

Reflections of one who was there when Camelot was born

Most of you reading this don’t remember where you were when President JFK was assassinated.

Well, I can’t tell you where I was. 😯

Not exactly, anyway. But I can tell you this: Less than 12 hours later, I was in Mexico. Beyond that, I plead the Fifth. 🙄

Don’t even ask. 😆

Oh… OK. I’ll tell you this yet about the Kennedy assassination: I have irrefutable…ah…doubts that Lee Harvey Oswald was the (lone) gunman. 😳

(Can you imagine how history would be somewhat different if Jack Ruby had used one of these instead or what we would know if Mr. Zapruder had used one of these?)

Seriously, now, I suppose one of my big questions related to Mr. Jack Kennedy’s murder is this: What did he learn afterward?

And another one is related to that: What is President Kennedy doing now?

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