Ken Miller Moved to Different Jail

Moving Ken to another jail, while troubling at certain levels, will open up a new sphere of witness and influence for him.

So he was moved from “his” Vermont jail to one in New York.

Is the judge trying to break his resolve by moving him further away from family and friends? Perhaps.

Maybe the judge is hoping that Ken will end up with cellmates who are less supportive.

Who knows.

But I know this: God’s hand is in it. And moving Ken to another jail, while troubling at certain levels, will open up a new sphere of witness and influence for him.

May God continue to sustain Ken and his family.

And may God bless Judge Sessions, the US Attorneys, the US Marshals, the jailers, and any other individuals on the “opposite” side from Ken.

Now, about Ken… I’ve been receiving emails through the day so far. I’ll just post snippets from various sources with no attribution. These are posted in the order in which I received them.

Here is the address to write to Ken:

Ken Miller
C/O Northwest Correctional Center
3649 Lower Newton Rd
Swanton, VT 05488

Here’s an opportunity to bless Ken!

Maybe even the jail people will be surprised if this special “Criminal” gets a bunch of cards and letters…

My understanding is that letters to an inmate are subject to being opened and inspected by officials before delivery. Not that it makes much difference in what should be written, but I thought that should be clear to anyone who is writing.

Hold mail !!!

I just found out the U.S. Marshals picked Ken up this morning, and the lady I spoke with does not know if they be bringing him back or not. I would suggest holding mail til further notice.

I can’t believe it. Linda just called and said that Ken has been moved to a jail in New York. His new address is:

Essex County Jail
PO Box 68
702 Stowersville Road
Lewis, NY 12950

I know the family also needs encouragement.

One thing we have learned in writing inmates is that

  • Do not put any stickers on the envelope besides the stamps.
  • No return address labels. (People can smuggle drugs under the sticker.)
  • Everything is handwritten.
  • Do not add any special paper flyers or such.
  • Do not write about controversy items. Your letter just might not make it to Ken.
  • Keep everything simple. Plain envelope no stickers, plain paper or notebook paper.
  • Do not draw attention to your letter.

I would also suggest that when you write Ken, use Scripture. Words of encouragement. Personal testimonies. Written prayers. But please avoid addressing the legal situation as much as possible. Don’t mention Lisa and Isabella. Things we say could be twisted. The mail might be read.

God bless you as you bless Ken with mail!

Thank you for your interest in this brother and in this case.

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Above all, love God!