Hopewell Summer Bible School 2013

June 17-21 -- Build Your Life on Jesus -- "Bible Journey Series"

As it has been doing for many decades, Hopewell Mennonite Church is having Summer Bible School again.

This year’s edition is next week, June 17-21.

Our sign went up last night:

photo of sbs sign at hmcMaybe you call it Vacation Bible School

Theme: Build Your Life on Jesus
Hours: 6:30-8:30 pm
Ages: through 8th grade

This year we will be using the new Summer Bible School curriculum from Christian Light Publications: Bible Journey Series.

So, if you live in the WoodburnHubbard area of Oregon, you’re invited to send your children (if they’re in the proper age range, of course).

And if you see Mennonites walking the streets of Hubbard this evening, they are stopping by most homes distributing flyers and signing up children to attend.

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Above all, love God!