Hopewell Mennonite Youth Group Sings

For one of their former own at her wedding reception

One of the young women in our youth group (or at least in it within recent memory) got married this weekend.

She (they, I’m sure) asked the youth group (Hopewell Mennonite Church) to sing four songs at the reception.

Here are my two favorites:

Title: “Can You Hear?”
Soloist: Jason Boss

Title: “I’ll Say, ‘Yes!'”

The director is my good friend, Joe Mast.

The singers include my two youngest children, Chayli and Andy.

Also among the singers, the four main teachers in our congregational school.

Plus at least four of the high school students. 🙂

And a bunch of others, including former students.

A very nice group.

(I’d point out our very own cancer survivor, but, nice though she be, she might not appreciate the attention.)

And they’ll be singing at our church Sunday evening!

(Thank you, Lindsey, for taking these videos and posting them to YouTube!)

Update: It dawned on me last night that I should add the videos for the other two songs they presented that afternoon. I see they are drawing less views on YouTube than the two featured above. So, here you are:

Title: “We Are Heirs”

Title: “The Wonder of Love”

5 thoughts on “Hopewell Mennonite Youth Group Sings”

  1. Unfortunately, you didn’t get the one I wanted to get! Hopefully, they’ll sing it sunday evening, and I’ll get a video of it then. It’s the song with just the girls singing a trio – but I don’t rememeber the name of the song!


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