eBook Freebie from Dorcas Smucker

Wherein you can help boost the LifeInTheShoe lady further into the Amazon stratosphere

OK, so you entered my drawing win an autographed copy of Dorcas Smucker’s latest book (read my review, will ya?). And somebody else won it.

You knew you could buy your own non-autographed copy of Tea and Trouble Brewing via Amazon. You didn’t get that done either.

Well, today you can…

Download it for free!

Though I have the print edition and though I don’t have a Kindle, I’m thinking I’ll go ahead and get the free download. That’s whatfer is the Kindle App! (They’ve got free versions for PCs, Macs, and mobile devices.)

Anyway, thanks to all her fans and friends who are downloading madly and passing around the word wildly, the lady’s book is ranking high on Amazon. Here’s a screen capture I did at 12:12 pm on this very day:

Amazon ranking graphic

So it was at #33 Free in Kindle Store — did you help it get there? Or will you help push it higher?

Don’t be bashful folks: Download Tea and Trouble Brewing for free!

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