Amazon $100 Less Than Frys

Save $100 on Canon PowerShot digital cameras at Amazon

I got my weekly (or is it more often than that) sales email from Frys. It has an enticing item or three! But I naturally got curious about Amazon’s prices for the same items.

  • Canon PowerShot SX160 IS 16MP Digital Camera
  • WD Elements 3 TB USB 2.0 Desktop External Hard Drive
  • Patriot Xporter Pulse 32GB USB Flash Drive
  • Canon PowerShot SX500 IS 16MP Digital Camera

Of those, two items were $100 less on Amazon!

Canon PowerShot SX160 IS 16MP Digital Camera

Canon PowerShot SX160 on Amazon
$179.99 + free shipping

Frys = $199.99 + free shipping 🙁

So on this item, Amazon beats Frys’ sale price . . . easily.

Western Digital Elements 3 TB External Hard Drive

WD Elements 3 TB USB 2.0 Desktop External Hard Drive on Amazon
$119.99 + free shipping

Frys = $109.99 + free shipping 🙂

Thus, Frys’ sale price beats Amazon’s regular price by $10.

Patriot Xporter Pulse 32GB USB Flash Drive

I didn’t find this exact same item on Amazon, so Frys wins easily with the great sale price of $20.99.

Frys = $20.99 + $1.99 shipping – $5.00 mail-in rebate (I thought) 🙂

Canon PowerShot SX500 IS 16MP Digital Camera

Canon PowerShot SX500 IS 16MP Digital Camera on Amazon
$199.00 + free shipping

Frys = $299.99 + free shipping 🙁

Amazon wins again.

So . . . I guess you should go to Amazon for cameras at good prices. 😆

By the time you checked any of the above, had the prices changed? If so, how?

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