2013 Things To Do in 2013

The key to resolutions (new year's or otherwise) is to make them when they need to be made. If you need to do something different, don't wait til January 1.

I don’t do New Year’s Resolutions.

I also do…

  • Old Year’s Resolutions. (They happen toward the end of a year.)
  • New Day’s Resolutions
  • New Week’s Resolutions
  • Today’s Middle-of-the-Day’s Resolutions

The key to making effective resolutions is to make them when they need to be made. If you need to do something different or new, don’t wait til January 1!

Without regard to this post’s title, some items on my 2013 To Do list:

  1. Continue blogging less about political stuff here
  2. Develop Woodburn’s Own
  3. Write a new ebook
  4. Reduce my social media footprint even further
  1. Go to prayer meeting with greater regularity
  2. Get much, much, much more exercise
  3. Grow in retaining God in my knowledge
  1. Write the teacher’s guide for a certain Bible curriculum
  2. Get all my eBay and Amazon stuff listed
  3. Update my friends’ websites (or do I mean web sites?)
  1. Free up my evenings for table games and reading and such non-computer things
  2. Resume more frequent blogging at Panting Hart and Ciervo Bramante
  3. Be more of an encourager

I’d tell you more, but thirteen is enough for now.

What’s on your mind to do differently this year?

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Above all, love God!