What’s Special About This, Google?

Google Street View near Perrysville, IN — except what you see below is looking up.

I have no idea what that is, though apparently it’s near a farm on N County Rd 200 E.

Some other blogger posted a more-zoomed-out version, though I have no clue why. I studied it and failed to find anything particularly outstanding.

Except for this:

I also thought I saw something in a tree:

Maybe it’s just distortion. Yeah, that’s probably all it is.

Ya think?

But just in case it isn’t and just in case Google is up to no good, I’ve saved a screen capture of the above views. That way, if they catch on I’ve exposed them and decide to replace the above imagery, I’ve got the goods on ’em! 🙄

PS: I. Am. Not. Paranoid.

PS, Jr: Though I am not paranoid, the Brits might be: Google, Apple, Spies, Race. And maybe Ms. Smith: Spy Planes, Privacy, Mapping Apples, Google Maps.

PS III: After you install black-out blinds on your windows and drape camo netting over your backyard and skylights, better secure the webcam — your neighbor local hacker might be using it more than you.

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