Exhibit A
White is color. (Study Exhibit A at right.)
Lots of colors, in fact. 1
White is condition.
Spiritually, a good condition. 2
Physically, not necessarily so. 3
White is a race.
Oh. Please. 😯
OK, OK — for the sake of this treatise, I’ll reluctantly accept the premise.
As some people are ambidextrous, so some must be ambiracerous. (I read it here first.)
Or the child of an American woman and an African man.
The former gets branded a white Hispanic? 🙄
And the later a white African? 😯
And if you rejected the premise that white is a race, would you then have to brand “multinational people” as ambicolorous?
If so, would you have to speak of them as white brown and and white black in the above sample cases?
It all gets pretty dumb pretty fast.
Except it isn’t pretty.
So let’s just skip using skin color to label people for the purposes of agendas.
Now, for closing perspective, a reminder that white is a good spiritual condition for all members of the human race:
though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow;
though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool” (Isaiah 1:18).
My race is the same as President Obama’s. My race is the same as George Zimmerman’s. My race is the same as (was) Trayvon Martin’s. My race is the same as yours.
Is that so difficult? 🙂