They Want Justice

You know who they are.

Maybe you’re one of them.

I want justice, too — real justice, not a contrived substitute.

A rush to judgment is a contrived substitute.

Here’s something I posted on Facebook early this morning:

A rush to judgment against the innocent is as bad as a rush to judgment in favor of the guilty. In fact, a rush to judgment is generally foolish . . . especially when the “facts” you know are limited . . . and selectively doled out. Lots of people are making these mistakes in the last few days . . .

Justice. Accept no imitations.

Is the justice you want the real deal?

Is the justice you want the same justice you want imposed on you?

Ultimately, my friend, God is not mocked — what you sow, you reap.

Are you OK with that? (Let me be blunt: your answer doesn’t matter. Whether you like it or not, you’ll harvest what you plant.)

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Above all, love God!