Snow Struck Near Hubbard

When I saw a forecast several days ago for snow here today, I had a very fitting response.

“Bah humbug!”

I was wrong. Thankfully. God sprung some snow on me in early Spring. Nice!

(Generally, I can’t go wrong with that kind of response to a snow forecast for around here!)

I took a few photos…and begin with a life lesson from some daffodils…

Daffodils in the snow
hardy band, unvanquished by the elements
Daffodil in the snow
alone, down
Heather in the snow
unknown-to-me flowers in the snow
unknown flowering objects
Plum blossoms and snow
plums, plumb surprised by the snow?
Snowgal and makers
Snowgal and friends
Snowgal head
alonely vigilant
Snowgal weary
and weary, too

And here I sit, wondering why I do stuff like this. 😳

PS: Click the images to see them in double size.

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Above all, love God!