Mi nose was stuffy, plugged, congested, and/or mormada this morning.
So, with a built-in tribute to are anguished English language…
And in memory of the Burma Shave roadside signs…
I present “Ode to My Node,” composed well before breakfast this morning…
Scroll down for complete text.
I wage war against attacking cold microbes with coffee, tea, orange juice, water, Vitamin C, Emergen-C, apple cider vinegar, cayenne pepper, lime juice, and so forth.
In addition to that helpful paragraph, I offer you some Amazon product links that pertain…and may even be helpful:
Oh, and if you want the complete text, here you are:
Ode to My Node
When our nose is feeling populous,
And our eyes are looking nebulous;
When our throat is sounding tremulous…
Whatever shall we do with ous?!© 2012 Mark Roth