Pullicino: “Assisted Death Pathway”


Early this morning I saw this in the UK papers (and Malta’s, I think):

NHS hospitals are using end-of-life care to help elderly patients to die because they are difficult to look after and take up valuable beds, a top doctor has warned.

He talks about removing a “patient from the LCP despite significant resistance.”

Oh, you don’t know about LCP? I didn’t either. Here, read this; it sounds harmless and benign enough:

Professor Patrick Pullicino has claimed that doctors are using a care pathway designed to help make people’s final days more comfortable as an equivalent to euthanasia.

The Liverpool Care Pathway (LCP) is used in hospitals for patients who are terminally ill or are expected to die imminently. Under the pathway, doctors can withdraw treatment, food and water while patients are heavily sedated.

Almost a third of patients – 130,000 – who die in hospital or under NHS care a year are on the LCP.

Professor Pullicino said he believed the LCP was being used as an “assisted death pathway” with patients placed on the LCP without clear evidence, according to the the Daily Mail.

Elderly patients “helped to die to free up beds”, warns doctor

HillaryCare, RomneyCare, ObamaCare, IMSS, NHS, LCP, ICU — WhoDoCare? 😯

Or maybe I mean VoodoCare. 🙄

Maybe you’d rather read two more-edifying pieces I read early this morning:

Go ahead and read them. I’m sure they’ll do you good, as they did me.

But don’t forget, first they came for his bed…

1 thought on “Pullicino: “Assisted Death Pathway””

  1. Sounds to me like they’re killing them in their sleep.
    They must have forgotten “Thou shalt not kill”



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