Pending October Surprises?

October Surprise — a news or “news” event which potentially influences the outcome of an election, particularly one for the US presidency.

Well, folks, we’re well into October. What surprises might “they” have pending in an effort to influence or even alter the outcome of the US Presidential election?

Is it really possible that someone will persuasively make the case that…

I doubt it.

I have some suggestions (so to speak), but I must issue a disclaimer in “the strongest possible terms”: I have no inside information. 🙄

  1. A US military strike on Iran
  2. A US military campaign in Syria
  3. A major political assassination (or serious attempt) in the US
  4. A huge wagon-load of “dirt” involving one of the men on the top two tickets
  5. A major terror strike in the US
  6. Iran strikes Israel and US counter-strikes
  7. Iran hits US with EMP weapon
  8. Major issues with the voting machines in swing states
  9. A very bad natural catastrophe on US soil
  10. The exposure of a huge cover-up

Who knows. Actually, God knows!

Well, on Amazon I searched for october surprise (just like you see it there). At the bottom of the Page One list of results…

Oh. OK. 😯

Maybe Amazon’s search engine needs some tweaking. Or maybe they know something and can’t tell us right out. Could it possibly be they know Mitt Romney is not the Anti-Christ…that he’s a monkey instead? Somebody better warn the Romney campaign! 🙄

Disclaimer II: I have not read any of the books above. My linking to them does not constitute endorsement.

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