My First eBook Is Done

I have finished Panting, my very first ebook.

Presently, it is available only as a downloadable pdf. I anticipate having an Amazon Kindle version ready by the end of the week at the latest.

In the introduction to the book, I include these paragraphs:

May this book encourage and challenge you. Before many (if not all) writing sessions, I asked God to speak to my heart and to lift my spirit. Thus what you find here I have taken for myself first. I urge you to read it personally as well. (My purposeful use of the first person should make that easier.)

How did I select the passages? I didn’t. The passages in focus in each two-page spread were selected by I-Do-Not-Know-Who for use in two distinct sets of Sunday School lessons for September-November 2012. The first thirteen titles and passages come from Faith & Life Resources and are based on the International Bible Lessons. The second set of titles and passages comes from the youth-adult quarterlies from Christian Light Publications.

Panting neither intends nor pretends to supplant Sunday School materials produced by anyone else. Rather, it supplements those resources.

I wrote this book as an instructive devotional. I hope its value exceeds any it has as a Sunday School resource. May its usefulness and applicability extend outside Sunday School and beyond November 2012.

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Above all, love God!