Look What I Learned on Twitter


I don’t use Twitter much, except when my WordPress blogs auto-post Tweets at the time I publish a new piece.

But half an hour ago or so, I Googled Key Bank because of site issues they seem to be having. And the search result I clicked was someone’s Twitter comment.

From there I eventually ended up on my own Twitter account…and saw this:

Of course I clicked it! 😯

Then I went to 7-11’s site and confirmed the accuracy of the free Slurpee offer.

After I texted family and friends about the grand deal, I noticed on the 7-11 site that the offer is for 7.11 ounces of Slurpee. 😳 Uh, no thanks. (Do you realize how small an eight-ounce cup is? This is smaller.)

Oh, and about the Key Bank issue, I got to their Twitter account and…

So I asked:

I haven’t heard back yet.

But now I know why I’ve been unable to access their site today yet. 🙁

I hope they get it fixed soon. And I hope the damage to them and the rest of us Customer Peons is minimal at most.

I hate getting hacked.

UPDATE at 12:04 pm: It just dawned on me that maybe one of those UK or Nigerian emails turned out to be true and someone deposited 11.5 million Pounds and/or Dollars into our checking account at Key…and Key can’t quite figure out what/why in the world…and their site got turned topsy turvy. Wow! Makes a guy anxious to see what the account shows once they’re back online again. Maybe I shouldn’t wait and just buzz down to the ATM to check my balance. By then, I just well go another 3-4 miles and get a free Slurpee; that seems a better deal…

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