Lisa Miller in Nicaragua

My wife and I took special interest in a lady and her daughter that were attending the mission at that time, considering becoming members of the Nicaraguan Christian Brotherhood.

I asked the lady if my family could take them out to eat.

We listened as the lady shared her personal testimony.

For those following the Lisa Miller case [aka Kenneth Miller case (aka Timo Miller case)], that makes a fine introduction to more of Pablo Yoder’s brief account of one of their meetings with international fugitive Lisa Miller (aka Lisa Miller-Jenkins, I guess).

What follows was written for Pablo’s newsletter and not for use here at Ain’t Complicated. However, he gave me permission to republish it here. Thank you, Pablo!

A Miracle of God’s Grace

March, 2010, found me in Managua sharing a week of meetings with the little mission there. My wife and I took special interest in a lady and her daughter that were attending the mission at that time, considering becoming members of the Nicaraguan Christian Brotherhood.

Lisa Miller in Nicaragua in 2010

During the week I asked the lady if my family could take them out to eat. We went to MacDonald’s. (For us latinos that’s like going to eat at Golden Corral 🙂 !) While my children entertained the eight year old girl, my wife and I enjoyed the meal while we listened as the lady shared her personal testimony.

Her name was Lisa Miller.

Among the many things that Lisa shared with us, three things stood out that I want to share with you in this email.

First of all, there is deliverance from the devil’s addictions. Ever since Lisa was eight years old, she got hooked on prescription drugs she’d sneak from her mother. From then on, until she was converted years later, she got hooked on seven different addictions. (If I remember right.) When she found the Lord, he helped her be freed from all of them, including her lesbian lifestyle. With the help of the Holy Spirit, she was able to leave her sinful life behind and find holiness in the Lord Jesus Christ. She is a totally changed woman. And that is a grand miracle of grace!

Secondly, though she started wearing modest apparel strictly for disguise, it started to work on her after she lived in Managua. For the first time in her life she was able to walk the streets without catching men’s lustful eyes. She testified to a new freedom as she walked on streets where men unabashedly gawk and hiss at women. If they did notice her, it was because she looked different, not because she was attractive physically.

Thirdly, her prayer veiling worked on her the same way. Having been born again in the Baptist faith, she had no conviction at all to cover her head to pray. It was all so new. But after wearing a veiling for several months, she started to feel a need for it. In the privacy of her home, she didn’t always wear it. But after a while, when she would pray, she missed it. By the time we met with her at MacDonald’s, she would always get her veiling on to pray.

She told us clearly that she was seriously considering joining the brotherhood. Not only did these things seem right, but she searched the Scripture diligently and found answers there that she had never noticed before.

My wife and I feel very blessed to have had that special two hours with Lisa and her daughter. And we are saddened now to know that they had to go into hiding at a later date. May God bless her and her daughter and keep them in the hollow of his hand!

Let’s remember to pray for Lisa and Isabella,
Pablo Yoder

Did you catch on that the above meeting didn’t take place recently? It happened in March 2010.

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