Kenneth Miller Trial: Day 1

After this paragraph, the rest of this post was written by Loyal Martin, one of the observers present at Kenneth Miller’s trial. Loyal did not write this for use here at Ain’t Complicated, but he did give me permission to republish his report here. Thank you, Loyal! (I made some minor proofreading changes.) Now, his report of the proceedings on Wednesday, August 8, 2012.

We arrived at court about 9:00 this morning in time to hear the opening statements from the prosecution and the defense. Throughout the day the prosecution brought 5 witnesses which gave testimony. A social worker from VT, a Canadian border agent, a brother from Ont. who was subpenaed, a lady from Thomas Road Baptist Church in Lynchburg — also subpenaed (she was crying afterward because she couldn’t bear it that she had to testify for the prosecution), and a lady from Verizon Wireless. Some of the evidence was a bit incriminating. The brother from Ontario gave a very loving but clear reason for why he participated and what the Bible says about immoral lifestyles and about us helping people to find God’s way.

The atmosphere was calm. I counted 50 believers from about 9 different churches in VT, VA, NY, PA, and Ont. during the morning session, and in the afternoon it swelled to near 70 spilling over onto the side where the prosecution’s support was. Janet Jenkins was not there. Only about 20 people on the other side — a few were reporters. This number dropped to around 10 in the afternoon. I was told that a daily report will be available on and that Monroe Chupp from VA is working to co-ordinate groups who would like to come. The number of folk who are here may drop a little the first part of next week unless more brethren decide to come, although I heard a commitment from the churches in VT that they will do what they can to keep that from happening.

Court was dismissed a little early at about 4 with the prosecution saying they hope to finish with their witnesses maybe by Friday noon, after which the defense will bring their witnesses. Timo’s account will be given Thursday on pre-recorded video. He is not required to come in person because of an imminent childbirth at home. There is no court on Monday.

I came away with a greater burden for the need to pray for all that are in authority that we may be able to lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty and with a greater awareness of the chaos that results when a society functions with less and less of the fear of God. I was impressed with the thoughtful and understanding way the elderly judge deliberated at the trial.

A church has been made available about a block from the court for meeting at lunchtime to pray together and this evening we had a very refreshing time together with about 50 of us at a park along the lake — singing, praying, and sharing. While we had our time together another group of mostly younger people marched through the park with placards chanting, “Disarm the police, For justice and for peace.”

May our gaze be upon the One who loves us and washes us from our sin’s with His own blood as we find our place living for Him in this society.

Loyal Martin

External link added by Mark Roth:
Miller Case: Trial Day One

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