Is This Just Another Fish Tale?


I just read this at WebMD:

The benefits of regularly eating healthy fish keep piling up. It lowers blood pressure, cuts the risk of irregular heartbeats, and drops the risk of fatal heart disease by 36%.

It also seems to lower the risk of stroke and some cancers, improve your mood, and help with other conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis.

I suppose that’s true.

I wonder if regular fish consumption would reduce the irregular heartbeat issues some have in our extended family.

Since I started this post, I’ve continued my way through the Fish Quiz. Now I just see a bad news one for sushi fans… And now some good news for memory loss candidates… And some warnings about seafood allergies…

And now more bad news:

Unfortunately, fish’s health benefits may disappear once it’s deep fried.

May. I thought they would know for sure! 🙁

I checked to see if I could sell you fish-to-eat via Amazon. 🙄 Nope. Not even goldfish. Sorry.

Oh, like I said, the above quote comes from WebMD and their current Fish Quiz.

PS: I scored a 65% on the quiz. If it weren’t a dumb quiz, I would have done worse. :mrgreen:

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