“I Am a Christian. So…”

I just read excerpts of a 2004 “faith and you” interview with now-President Obama.

If he still holds those views, I must pray for his redemption or revival.

But what about my own spiritual condition?

Right at the beginning of the interview, Barack Obama declares:

I am a Christian. So…

The rest of the interview is a dismal expression of historic Christian faith.

But what about my own expression of the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ?

I don’t mean merely my verbal statements of faith and doctrine and theology, though they factor in to what I mean. Rather, I mean my life expression of Christianity.

“I am a Christian,” I declare again.

So…what impact and effect does that have on my proverbial day-to-day living?

What is my life expression of the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ?

Does it withstand God’s scrutiny any better than I think the Obama statements withstand God’s scrutiny?

HT: Obama Before He Was Famous

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