Hutterites vs National Geographic

Looks like National Geographic ran afoul of the Hutterian Brethren (aka Hutterites).

Or more specifically, some Hutterite bishops have chastised National Geographic Channel.

The point of contention is how NGC portrayed the Hutterites in a TV series:

Bishops Representing All Hutterites in North America have issued a statement regarding National Geographic’s “American Colony: Meet the Hutterites,” airing on June 14, 2012

“We are deeply disappointed with the National Geographic Channel’s depiction of the Hutterite people in their so-called reality series, ‘American Colony: Meet The Hutterites,’ filmed at the King Ranch Hutterite Colony in Montana. It’s unfortunate that Jeff Collins and his production team chose to come through the back door rather than the proper channels to receive permission to film our people.”

Hutterites are pacifist Protestants who, not unlike the Amish, live in tight-knit, traditional communities. Hutterites originated in Austria in the 16th century. Due to their refusal to bear arms, they were persecuted throughout Europe before immigrating to North American in the 1870s. Hutterite groups, which they call “colonies,” live peacefully on ranches and farms, where they follow the precepts of Christian community described in the Book of Acts.

“What was promised by the producers to be a ‘factual documentary’ is, in fact, a distorted and exploitative version of Hutterite life that paints all 50,000 Hutterites in North America in a negative and inaccurate way. Scenes and dialogue were contrived resulting in a ‘make believe’ depiction of how we live and the spiritual beliefs we cherish,” the statement continued.

Hutterite Bishops Release Statement Regarding “American Colony” TV Show

Read the rest at the link above.

There’s more here (where I first read about this): TV series condemned by leaders of Anabaptist faith.

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