I don’t have to know it all.
Even if everybody else in my group gets it. (Or pretends to.)
I need to do better at putting down my stupid pride.
OK, all of it.
I have a theory that most people would rather be thought immoral than stupid. Examine yourself: Would you rather confess to a bad temper, or to not knowing what the capital of Germany is.
There now, that wasn’t so bad, was it? When you don’t understand something you ask a question, and usually you find that the sky doesn’t fall. Good for Bob. Good for him being willing to look ignorant. Good for him offering himself as the scapegoat. The Lord loves a childlike heart, and a person who is not controlled by fear of man.
When the meeting had adjourned, the young professor asked the president privately how he had brought himself to admit ignorance before all his colleagues. He replied that…. [C]ompared to God he knew nothing at all. Ever since then, he has never been overly impressed with the knowledge of men.
Wow! Can I ever identify with that unwillingness to expose my ignorance! 😳